The Nutrition Care Process

What can you expect from your sessions?
Before our initial consultation I will provide you with a detailed health history intake form which we will review in depth during your session.
We'll begin with a review of your health struggles and discuss the many factors that may be contributing to them and standing in your way of feeling your best.
We'll discuss diet, sleep, exercise, stress and if you have any recent lab work completed we'll review that as well.
Then we game plan...
This may include ordering functional lab testing, making adjustments to food choices, supplements and lifestyle habits such as stress management and sleep hygiene.
After the session you will receive a detailed summary of the meeting including goals and action steps.
Follow up sessions are typically held 2-3 weeks apart and will allow for time to review any new lab work completed as well as strategize around existing goals and challenges. Then we layer in the next set of action steps...